Lecturer at the Integrated Engineering Institute – IEI (https://iei.unifei.edu.br/), located on the Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago Campus – Itabira,
Irmã Ivone Drumond, Street, #200 – Distrito Industrial II district, Itabira – MG – Brazil, Telephone: +55 (31) 3839-0800,
Zip code: 35,903-087 – Personal contact: https://wa.me/5535999460777 – E-mail: rogbrito@unifei.edu.br
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About BRITO, R. F.
Personal page with various archives of articles, videos and lecture notes, etc: https://www.rogbrito.com
Official page on the university’s website, also with various archives of articles, videos and lecture notes, etc: https://rogbrito.unifei.edu.br
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6833-7801
Curriculum on the website of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq): http://lattes.cnpq.br/3904933874349969
Curriculum on the website of the Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI: https://sigaa.unifei.edu.br/sigaa/public/docente/portal.jsf?siape=2498045
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=WUpz7P0AAAAJ&hl=pt-BR
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rogerio-Brito-3
Web of Science Researcher ID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/ISA-8400-2023
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7005511443
Address to access this CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3904933874349969 / https://sigaa.unifei.edu.br/sigaa/public/docente/portal.jsf?siape=2498045 – both in Portuguese
*** Homenagem Póstuma aos Meus Saudosos Pais: *** Esta é uma homenagem sincera aos meus inestimáveis pais, meu pai, Sr. José, e minha mãe, Sra. Nirce. Eles foram a força motriz por trás de todas as minhas conquistas e o alicerce que me permitiu chegar onde estou hoje. Dedico a eles todas as minhas realizações. Que Deus os acolha e que descansem em paz. Sinto muitas saudades, pai e mãe. ***
Professor Eng. Dr. Rogério Fernandes Brito graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the former Federal Engineering School of Itajubá (EFEI), now the Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI), located in Itajubá, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. He completed his degree in July 1994. Subsequently, he pursued further academic achievements: – Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering: EFEI/UNIFEI, 1999. – Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering: UNIFEI, 2005. – Post-Doctoral Research in Mechanical Engineering: UNIFEI, 2008 and 2010. These research endeavors were supported by scholarships from FAPEMIG and CAPES/CNPq, respectively. In 2009, Dr. Brito successfully passed a public examination for the position of professor, as published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) – Section 3, page 59, No. 185, on Monday, September 28, 2009. His appointment followed ORDINANCE No. 197, issued on February 12, 2010. He holds the position of Professor, Adjunct Class, Level 1, under the Exclusive Dedication Regime (DE). His qualification was based on the Public Examination of Evidence and Titles for the Higher Education Career, as per the Homologation Announcement No. 58, DOU of September 28, 2009. Currently, Dr. Brito serves as an Associate Professor 3, Class D, at UNIFEI. His scholarly contributions include 17 articles published in national and international journals between 2004 and 2022. Notably, in 2009, he authored two articles with CAPES Qualis A1 and B1 concepts, all within the Engineering III area. Additionally, in 2015, he published an article with a CAPES Qualis A1 concept, also in the Engineering III area. Dr. Brito’s expertise lies in the broad field of Mechanical Engineering, with a specific focus on heat transfer. His research interests encompass topics such as large-eddy simulation, turbulence, finite element method, forced/natural convection, and computational tools in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In his ongoing work spanning from 1996 to 2024, Dr. Rogério Fernandes Brito employs Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools to address the direct problem of conduction heat transfer in cutting tools. Specifically, during the machining process, inverse techniques in heat conduction, written in the FORTRAN language, are employed to estimate heat flux. This research collaboration has been ongoing since 2009, in partnership with professors from the Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI), located in Itajubá, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil and the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Another significant area of Dr. Brito’s research involves a numerical study of the aerodynamic behavior of blade profiles in wind turbine rotors. Using CFD techniques, this investigation explores different angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Collaborating with researchers and professors from various universities in Minas Gerais, including UFV, UFOP, UFMG, UNIFEI (Itajubá/MG/Brazil), and UNIFEI (Itabira/MG/Brazil), Dr. Brito contributes to advancing our understanding of wind turbine performance.Notably, in 2009, Dr. Brito published a paper in the congress proceedings. Among the 197 approved papers at the V COBEF 2009 (Brazilian Manufacturing Congress), his work stood out as one of the 31 best presentations, emphasizing the integration of thermal and machining areas. The resulting article reflects this achievement. Sites: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rogerio-Brito-3 / https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6833-7801 / Brito’s Web of Science ResearcherID is https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/ISA-8400-2023 / https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7005511443
Professional Address
Federal University of Itajubá (www.unifei.edu.br, in Portuguese), Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago Campus – Itabira.
Irmã Ivone Drumond, Street, #200
Industrial District II
35,903-087 – Itabira, MG – Brazil
Telephone: +55 (31) 38390800
Extension: 0897
Fax: +55 (31) 38390897
Homepage URL: www.unifei.edu.br
Contact: http://wa.me/5535999460777 – E-mail: rogbrito@unifei.edu.br – Personnal Homepage URL: https://rogbrito.unifei.edu.br – Updated: December, 05th, 2024
2019 – Current: Minas Gerais State Research Foundation – FAPEMIG – Brazil – Process number APQ-02317-18 – Registered at UNIFEI nº: 42/2019 – Application of Inverse Problem Techniques for the Thermal Study of Machining Tools of Different Geometries and Coatings – R$ 40,549.97 – Brazilian Real (Duration: 16/10/2019 to 15/05/2025) (coordinator)
Description: 2019 – Current: Minas Gerais State Research Foundation – FAPEMIG – Brazil, Process No. APQ-02317-18 – Registration number at UNIFEI Itabira / MG: 42/2019 – Application of Inverse Problem Techniques for the Thermal Study of Machining Tools of Different Geometries and Coatings – R$ 40,549.97 (Duration: 10/16/2019 to 05/15/2025) (coordinator). Description: Summary of Proposal: This project aims to analyze the thermal effects of coatings on a carbide tool during the turning process, using the COMSOL Multiphysics 5.3a program and an inverse problem technique. The thermal model consists of a carbide tool, a tool holder and a shim and is described by the three-dimensional transient heat diffusion equation which was solved using the COMSOL program. The advantages of using this program include the ease of modeling the coating, which has a small thickness in the order of a micrometer (m). Titanium Nitride (TiN) and Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) are the materials used to coat the tool. The model is subject to convection and radiation boundary conditions in the regions exposed to the environment and the prescribed heat flow at the chip-tool contact interface. The thermal properties used are temperature-dependent. The inverse technique adopted to solve the inverse problem is the Specified Function. This technique searches for a heat flow value that minimizes an objective function, which is defined by the square of the experimental and numerical temperature difference for each time interval. A numerical code in MATLAB together with the COMSOL software is used to estimate the heat flow. Once the heat flux is known, COMSOL is used again to solve the transient heat diffusion equation and obtain the temperature field in the model. The heat flow obtained in this work is compared with the heat flow from previous work to validate the methodology. The temperatures at the chip-tool interface for the uncoated and coated cutting tools will be determined. For both coating materials on the coated cutting tool, it is intended to obtain the temperature at the tool-cavity interface compared to the uncoated cutting tool. Additive Letter FAPEMIG/DAP n. 50682876/2022 of August 2, 2022 – The execution period of this process is extended until May 15, 2024 and the validity period until May 15, 2025. Project extended on March 27, 2024, for another 12 (twelve) months, according to FAPEMIG/DAP letter number 27/2024, dated March 27, 2024, sent by FAPEMIG. Status: Ongoing; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (1) / Master’s (1) / PhD: (1).
Status: Ongoing; Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (1) / Professional Master’s: (1) / PhD: (1) .
Integrants: Rogério Fernandes Brito – Coordinator / Paulo Mohallem Guimarães – Integrante / Sandro Metrevelle Marcondes de Lima e Silva – Integrante / Julio Cesar Costa Campos – Integrante / Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira – Integrante / José Carlos de Lacerda – Integrante / Tarcisio Gonçalves de Brito – Integrante / Bruno Silva Cota – Integrante / Leonardo Albergaria Oliveira – Integrante.
Financial support: Minas Gerais State Research Foundation – FAPEMIG – Brazil – Site: https://fapemig.br/pt/ – Financial support.
08/2024 – Atual: EMEI07 – FENÔMENOS DE TRANSPORTE (CH semanal: 04 hs; CH total: 64 hs) – Turma T02 – Anexo 3 – Sala 7 (Período 2024.2 – 35M45)
Arquivos: Download
08/2024 – Atual: EMEI82 – Tópicos Especiais em Engenharia Mecânica III (FORTRAN, MATLAB R2021a, EES – Engineering Equation Solver e COMSOL Multiphysics 6.0) (CH semanal: 02 hs; CH total: 32 hs) – Turma T01 – Local: Anexo 1 – Sala 2 LCAD (Período 2024.2 – 4T5 4N1)
Arquivos: Download
08/2024 – Atual: EPRIP004 – LABORATÓRIO DE METROLOGIA – T04 (CH semanal: 02 hs; CH total: 32 hs) – Local: LMET – Prédio 1 – Sala 1109 (Período: 2024.2 – 3T34)
Arquivos: Download
1. HILÁRIO, CAIO VIEIRA ; Campos, Julio Cesar Costa ; SIQUEIRA, ANTONIO MARCOS DE OLIVEIRA ; LEITE, MAURÍCIO DE OLIVEIRA ; MARTINS, MÁRCIO AREDES ; Brito, Rogério Fernandes ; FETUGA, IBRAHIM ADEMOLA ; ABDERRAHMANE, KHECHEKHOUCHE . Physical-Chemical Properties of First-Generation Biofuel Aiming Application in Diesel Locomotive. RGSA (ANPAD), v. 18, p. e05080, 2024.
2. BRITO, Rogério Fernandes; TEIXEIRA, R. L. P. ; SIQUEIRA, ANTONIO MARCOS DE OLIVEIRA ; LACERDA, JOSÉ CARLOS DE ; FETUGA, IBRAHIM ADEMOLA ; ABDERRAHMANE, KHECHEKHOUCHE ; CAMPOS, JULIO CESAR COSTA . Analysis of Contact Thermal Resistance and the Use of Coatings on Heat Transfer in Cemented Carbide Metal Cutting Tools. RGSA (ANPAD), v. 18, p. e05929, 2024.
3.Signoretti, Valdir Tesche ; SIMÕES FILHO, ALEXANDRE AUGUSTO ; TEIXEIRA, RICARDO LUIZ PEREZ ; Brito, Rogério Fernandes ; GUIMARÃES, Paulo Mohallem . Comparative Analysis of Aerodynamic Efficiency in Small-Diameter Wind Turbine Blades: NACA 4412 vs. Clark Y. RGSA (ANPAD), v. 18, p. e07845, 2024.
4. Rosa, Henrique Marcio Pereira ; BRITO, R. F. ; TIBIRICA, A. M. B. ; Campos, Julio Cesar Costa ; CHOHFI, F. M. . Comparison between CFD simulation and affinity laws and analysis of the degree of reaction (ISSN: 1807-8664 – Fator de Impacto: 0,655 – Qualis B2 – https://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciTechnol/article/view/64413/751375156643). ACTA SCIENTIARUM. TECHNOLOGY (ONLINE), v. 46, p. 1-9, 2023. Citações:1
24. Benabderrahmane, A., Boukhari, A., Siqueira, A. M. de O., Brito, R. F., Khechekhouche, A., Campos, J. C. C., … Silva, J. A. da. (2024). Exploring Natural Convection and Entropy Generation in a Closed Water Tank Utilizing Nanofluid: a Computational Study. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(10), e08349 . https://doi.org/10.24857/rgsa.v18n10-071 (published in September, 19th, 2024)
25. José Carlos de Lacerda (jlacerda@unifei.edu.br), Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira, W. D. dos Reis, A. S. T. Garcia, Tarcísio Gonçalves de Brito & Rogério Fernandes Brito. Fracture analysis of a centrifugal ore slurry pump shaft: a study using fatigue tests, microstructural analysis and finite element simulation. Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design. 8, 83 (2025). Keywords: Centrifugal pump shaft · Fracture · Fatigue · Stress concentration – Abstract: Failures in centrifugal pump shafts used in ore slurry applications can cause significant downtime in mining operations. However, limited studies focus on the comprehensive analysis of such failures, particularly in terms of fatigue behavior, microstructure, and stress distribution. This study investigates the fracture failure of an AISI 4140 steel shaft from a centrifugal ore slurry pump used by a large mining company in Brazil. The research includes chemical and microstructural analyses, as well as mechanical tests (tensile, hardness, impact, and fatigue), with numerical simulations conducted under defined boundary conditions: torque of 3885 Nm and shaft support through two rolling bearings. Results revealed that fatigue nucleation occurred at multiple stress concentration points in the threaded region, leading to final fracture. The maximum equivalent stress was quantified as 203.57 MPa, consistent with the simulation results. The shaft’s coarse bainitic microstructure reduced impact toughness, with a measured impact energy of 9 ± 2 J, while the fatigue limit was determined to be approximately 350 MPa. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41939-024-00675-1 – Download: https://rdcu.be/d1TWE – Received: 18 September 2024 / Accepted: 9 November 2024 / Published online: 29 November 2024. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.
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Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI – www.unifei.edu.br
Prof. José Rodrigues Seabra Campus – Headquarters
BPS, Av. #1303, Pinheirinho district, Itajubá – MG – Brazil
Telephone: +55 (35) 3629 – 1101 – Fax: +55 (35) 3622 – 3596
PO Box 50 – ZIP Code: 37500 903
Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI – www.unifei.edu.br
Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago Campus – Itabira
Irmã Ivone Drumond, St. #200 – Distrito Industrial II, Itabira – MG – Brazil
Telephone +55 (31) 3839-0800
Zip code 35903-087